Why do people cheat?

 Cheating!Why do people cheat in the relationships?

Spoiler alert : 

The following content might shock the way you are looking at your significant other.

Alrighty, buckle up for a wild ride into the land of relationship woes and wandering eyes. Why do people cheat? Well, strap in, 'cause it's gonna be a bumpy (and hilarious) ride!

First off, let's get one thing straight: Nobody, and I mean NOBODY, wants to get down and dirty with someone who reminds them of their dear old mom or dad. Eww, right? It's like trying to mix peanut butter and pickles – just ain't gonna happen!

So, picture this: You're in a relationship, things are cozy, but then BAM! Your partner starts nagging like your mom or snoring like your dad. Suddenly, you're not thinking about roses and rainbows; you're dreaming of escape routes! And where do some folks find that escape? In the arms of someone who ain't their parental doppelganger, that's where!

But wait, there's more! Sometimes, it ain't just about escaping the parental vibes. Nope, it's about the thrill of the chase, the rush of excitement that comes with sneaking around like a ninja in the night. It's like playing a game of relationship roulette, and some folks just can't resist spinning that wheel!

And let's not forget the good ol' ego boost. You know the drill: Your partner forgets to compliment your new haircut or laughs at your favorite shirt, and suddenly, you're feeling about as attractive as a potato. But fear not, cheaters of the world, because there's always someone out there ready to stroke that ego and make you feel like the sexiest potato in the patch!

So there you have it, folks: Cheating ain't about finding true love or living happily ever after. Nah, it's about dodging the parental bullet, chasing that adrenaline high, and getting a much-needed ego massage. So next time you feel tempted to stray, just remember: Ain't nobody wanna date their folks, and ain't nobody wanna be a lonely potato either!

Let's be honest ,which normal guy would have sex with his mom ? Which normal woman would have sex with his son ?

Think about that 


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